National treasures

Our guide explaining the 'do's and don'ts'

While many would argue that kids are our greatest treasure, a massive forest of mature Kauri trees (hundreds of years old) certainly ranks somewhere up there - which is a good thing because 60 kids charging through the forest on a school trip certainly wont turn up any forest fauna.

The poor centipede didn't get away fast enough!

In fairness to the kids they were most respectful of the local flora and fauna. I too felt obliged to ask permission before taking home a small Kauri branch that was lying on the forest floor - inspiration for a weekend's drawing.

The trip served as a timely reminder about our national treasures - and also how much fun you can have by simply putting on your walking shoes and 'going bush'. The Department of Conservation has some fantastic tracks - all worth exploring.

Happy walking!

Fish Friday

Friday seems to be a day for gifts at the moment, our neighbour kindly donated 2 flounder he had speared last night, so we ate them for breakfast - totally mouthwatering together with some home made bread and a friend's lemons.

In case that all seems a bit too perfect, rest assured; the weather here is gearing up for the long weekend - high winds seemingly from all directions, and now there is the house to clean!
Happy Labour Day Weekend, Blue x

Spring Sowing Lateness

I got out into the garden yesterday, late as always in getting everything started. I have decided on a dual approach this year in the "garden centre versus sow from seed debate". This scatter gun approach seems to me realistic what with everything always seeming to need to happen at once. And seeing as I haven't learnt how to time travel (yet!) 

Practical versus beauty: small and tender basil seedlings and their massive sunflower cousins.

My hand crafted seedbox (thanks Mike!) with peppers and chillis in hopeful hothouse mode, and sweet peas - can anyone really live without those??!

Broad bean plants complete with rabbit protection, lettuce seedlings and more fino verde basil, I knew those empty loo roll holders would come in handy for something. 

Spring - hah, I am ready for you now - Happy gardening, Blue x

War Paint

Recently my very creative friend and I spent a fun afternoon experimenting with fabric paint. And the results were so cool that I had to share them with you...

And the best part - fabric paint is affordable, easily available (most craft and art shops) and incredibly versatile.

I used pretty much anything and everything I could think of to print with - feathers, onions, scallop shells and hand carved stamps.

The end result was a much-needed make-up bag to hold my war paint and other 'tricks of the trade'.

Comfort and Cosiness

Last week, weather and a nasty bout of flu kept us inside. Always dangerous, when you can't charge about outside and keep all those niggling thoughts at bay. Especially when it is school holidays! I did however task myself with a dash outside into the rain and wind to see what I could forage in 10 minutes before the flu police arrived. And it is surprising what you can find when the time pressure is on. 

Our forage list amounted to:
1. Five juicy lemons.
2. Two stems of shocking pink freesias sheltering from the howling gale.
3. A profusion of marigolds in the vegetable patch.
4. Handfuls of vivid green rocket.
5. A clear head for a whole 5 minutes.

In keeping with the doing things quickly before energy ran out I made my stock standard comfort dinner of Green Lentil Spagetti with mushrooms, for a health fix. The children had steak with blood oozing out of it - nothing like being a vegetarian in a household of red bloodied carnivores!
Do you have tried and tested food that you turn to when the going gets tough?

Happy eating, Blue x