Hottie Project

I am sure that Hot Water Bottles must be just about the most comforting thing ever and they really do seem to be a particular New Zealand phenomema. It has finally begun to feel cold and wintery on these Northland evenings and we have definitely been putting ours to good use already. Do you use hot water bottles where you live?

I came across a Project organised by Lisa of Big Little where she kicked off a wonderful initiative to provide handmade hot water bottle covers for children in Christchurch this winter as a small but meaningful way to show support and solidarity for those still suffering from the aftermath of the earthquakes. So, I got busy trying to create something warm and toasty. Inspired by the fabulous book "The Very Rich Kind Lady and Her One Hundred Dogs" I made this friendly cover, sewing away happily with my dog lying on my feet.

Isn't it great being able to be a part of something like this! Happy sewing, Blue x

Ps Carol is the winner of our weekend giveaway and NZ Homes and Gardens will be winging its way to you Carol!


  1. Oooh how lovely!
    Thank you.
    I can't see a contact email but I'll put mine in your "follow me by email" - thinking if you email me via that I can send my address to you.
    (My email begins "hap....." So you will know it is me)
    Thank you again.
    Carol xx

  2. What a cute hottie, at the moment we are having a heatwave (a rare occurence in recent years) so no hottie needed! I tend to use wheatbags rather than hot water bottles. Looks like a really good cause to support, I'm sure a little one will love their rabbit hottie.
    Carol xx
