Getting Started

 When I began to read about how to compost I realised that unless I actually got started I would never do it. The books just make it seem so technical. It is definitely one of those things that if you have seen someone do it then 100 books just won't do. (A bit like making bread!) Then there is the other issue of when it has sat around for a year or so composting away, I have to make sure I use it and don't leave it as an unfinished job.
So as a wonderful school holiday job I escaped outside and dug out the compost from the bin and was delighted to find that although it wasn't by any means perfect, parts of it were a loamy dark black/brown and filled with worms (don't mention the mouse, well the 3 mice.....) I spread it round the garden and felt very smug, something for free and not an awful lot of effort!
What did I learn? Well just get on with it of course, and as a side issue it needed more water over our drought filled summer and probably I should cut things a bit smaller, if I can find the time.

Happy just getting on with it weekend, Blue x

The Good Life

These last few days have been brilliant autumn sunshine and we have spent a lot of time outside working in the garden.  There has been a lot of seaweed on the beach washed up by last week's heavy rain and we have picked up some of that and strewn it round the roses and all over the vegetable bed which is still empty waiting for winter planting inspiration. The lazy person's answer to composting! Which even left enough time to finish up with a late afternoon swim in the sea.

I then made a smoked fish and leek pie using some of the smoked kawhai which I posted about here. It was quick and easy and perfect for the end of a busy day.

Why is it that our school holidays seem to revolve around food!

Happy eating, Blue x

Pattern Friday

I have been following the wonderful Tiny Happy Blog now for some time; Melissa has incredible ideas for making things of beauty from old and forgotten treasures. Anyway, I noticed recently that she has begun "Pattern Friday" posting a different design for fabric every Friday. I believe she started it as a way to start using a precious notebook.

This got me thinking and this week I have created my own design which rather appropriately is a retro print of watercolour radishes, as this week has been full of Peter Rabbit incidents with our own Beano and Sooty the escape artist rabbits!

Those of you with a passion for fabric may well know about Spoonflower where you can get your own designs printed up.
Happy weekending, Blue x

Crochet Squares

The rain finally came and was slamming against the windows. It was a welcome sight and really needed here. Seeing as we were forecasted a few "indoor" weather days I looked out my crochet hook and yarn.

During my visit to England last month my convalescing Mum taught me to crochet (thanks Mum!), and after a quick recap watching this You Tube video here I was off the starting blocks and concentrating hard to count the stitches for a granny square.

The wonderful thing about crochet is that unlike knitting if you mess up you don't have to wind back millions of rows to pick up a stitch or make a correction - the perfect craft for a multi tasker as it can safely be incorporated into the general business of running round doing 100 hundred jobs at once - if you know what I mean!

Happy Autumn, Blue x

The fast and forgetful!

I hope I'm not the only one out there that remembers a special birthday or anniversary at the last minute (or the days and weeks fly by far too fast). And to top it off, these occasions are usually for one of my dearest but not nearest - meaning I need to pop the gift in the post.

On these far too frequent occurrences, I usually gather small, meaningful items - homemade or shop bought depending on time. Because I can't be there in person, I choose wrapping in their favourite colour or pattern, using stunning fabrics, hand-made bags, delicate tissue, hand-painted paper, covered in soft feathers or sealed with wax.

It's fast, affordable, fun and makes a wee gift really special.

What are your ideas and hints for creative gifting?

Quick Happy

There is something in the air at the moment that is making me want to do quick projects I can complete all in one go at flying pace. Not for me the long thought consuming process of enjoying the journey - I want to be there and on to the next thing.
I noticed one of those black holes in my house - you know the ones, where you suddenly see something with fresh eyes which really needs sorting out and you wonder how you managed to ignore it for so long. In my case the blackened, fraying oven gloves, wonderful ikea bought gloves that have done a fabulous job for such a long time but now look like something the dog has chewed up and then set fire to.
So I finally used some of the flame proof batting I had wildly ordered on the internet 6 months ago in a fit of enthusiasm and made a new pair of oven gloves. They are a bit rough round the edges and the thumbs could do with a more roomy cut, but they are here and they are DONE!
And then I road tested them to remove a specially requested Birthday Pavlova from the oven and they actually WORK. Mission completed.

Happy busy rushing enjoyable weekend, Blue x

Preserving and Saving

Autumn and the smell of the air has changed. On the sea it has become more metallic and on the land it has a colder sharper tone in the evening so that the warm scented days and the stunning sunsets are really appreciated.
At sea we have been catching kawhai and smoking it with our neighbour's fish in our home made smoker, made (or should I say hand crafted with love!) from our old stove and a gas burner. The wafting smell of the manuka smoking is very autumnal and bonfire like.
In the garden I have been removing all the tomato plants and in the kitchen preserving the last tomatoes. I thought I would have a go at freezing them, I know this is not the usual thing to do, but somehow I just didn't feel like fiddling with all the canning stuff. I wanted to get on with it and get it done.

Funny how we are packing and preserving a bit like squirreling away nuts for the season ahead!

Making a splash

I think the spa pool has spoilt me when it comes to swimming in the sea. It just never seems warm enough.

However even I was in "boots and all" this Easter when we spotted a large school of fish in a tidal estuary. There were so many that the wee people and I were literally fishing with our hands - chucking the fish up onto the sand. Joined by kids from nearby tents and caravans we splashed and squealed as we grabbed for our dinner.

It would be fair to say, I loved my unplanned swim and followed by a tasty meal of fresh fish (baked whole with slices of lemon) served up with homemade chips and tartare sauce it couldn't have been a better day.

Easter Trees

Snowy Sussex
It has been a few weeks of extremes for me as I traveled from sunny New Zealand back to unusually snowy southern England and returning to sunny Northland again. And now it's Easter, already! I was inspired by a wonderful craft shop in Sussex where the owner Philip had made a fabulous Easter tree in his window. 

I haven't seen one since I was a child when my non religious Grandma religiously made me one every year. 
 So when I got back home to the beach we made our own special kiwi version, thanks Philip. Happy Easter everyone!