Spicy Beer

Partly to relieve school holiday boredom and partly to revive an old recipe, the 10 year old and I made some ginger beer.

I really like the recipe because it is so easy and can be bottled immediately (instead of feeding a 'bug' over several days).

So now we wait and cross our fingers that none explodes (my mum had a batch once explode in the cupboard where she used to put the ironing!)

Try it for yourself:
4 cups white sugar
2 tablespoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons lemon essence
2 teaspoons tartaric acid
12 cups hot water
20 cups cold water
1 tablespoon yeast

Put all ingredients except yeast in bucket with 1 cup hot water. Stir to dissolve. Add rest of water in starting with hot and finishing with the cold water. Dissolve yeast in quarter a cup of luke-warm water (should just feel slightly warm on your skin). Stir yeast mixture into bucket. Bottle. Cross fingers!

Anyone else have some home-made drink recipes?

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