Autumn Magic

I'm sure there is a hidden doorway to a secret world through there!

In Japan the changing of the autumn leaves is given a word all of its own, "koyo" and it is a national pastime following the wave of leaves changing as it sweeps the country. Here in Ripple Bay, where the climate is totally different, teetering on tropical, the koyo is like a game of hide and seek, with the added bonus that when you find a tree or a small gathering of trees in full flight of change then the effect is spectacular and heart warming. Each time I walk our Big Dog I watch to see the changes to a particular tree and by the time it has completed its circle and dropped all its leaves it feels like an old friend.

With winter on its way, I looked out my massive woollen blanket handknitted by my Great Grandmother and a quilt that I have made in Japanese blues, with the added twist of crimson embroidery.

The flowers and spirals were designed by Miss Blue and both Small People drew round their hands and added the date so that I have an embroidered record of their hand prints. I feel muchly pleased with myself about this small feature which means such a lot to me.

Happy Koyo, Blue x


  1. Hello Blue
    Your beautiful embroidery on your quilt reminds me of traditional Japanese sashiko, did this inspire you? Happy sewing!

    1. Hello Gardener, yes i was inspired by sachiko, i have a great book about it which I must find and link to the blog, Blue x
